Saša Božić, Oliver Frljić, Miran Kurspahić i Anica Tomić (HR): TIME IS OUT OF JOINT – javna prezentacija

24th of September at 10.30pm @ SC all around

Workshop Time is out of joint by Saša Božić, Oliver Frljić, Miran Kurspahić and Anica Tomić connects theatre directors affirmed within Theatre &TD with young ADU (Academy of Dramatic Arts) students. Every mentor has its part of the workshop within which (s)he works with the students. Oliver Frljić focuses on the Action of writing down antifascist poetry at the (ex) Marshal Tito Square and the affirmation of the culture of remembrance, Anica Tomić focuses on methodological ways of translating meaning from one media into another, Saša Božić focuses on the works by Oliver Frljić and Miran Kurspahić as pretext for a new performance and Miran Kurspahić focuses on a public performance on Marshal Tito Sqare as an act of artistic rebellion.

Participants: Boris Barukčić, Ugo Korani, Iva Kraljević, Lejla Jerković, Rok Juričić, Rajna Rajcz, Veronika Mach, Vesna Mačković, Anja Mergeduš, Rok Olaf Pečečnik, Nikolina Rafaj, Iris Tomić, Espi Tomičić, Zvonka Škreblin, Hana Zrnčić Dim

Financirano sredstvima europskog projekta apap – Performing Europe 2020, sufinancirano sredstvima programa Europske unije Kreativna Europa. U suradnji s Akademijom dramske umjetnosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.


Oliver Frljić mentored the Action of writing down antifascist poetry at the (ex) Marshal Tito Square on the 8th of September. Included poets were Ivan Goran Kovačić, Ljubica Ivošević Dimitrova, Branko Ćopić and Aco Šopov. The goal of the action was to affirm the culture of remembrance in the context of the galloping revisionism and the rise of fascist tendencies in the Croatian society. The action was inspired by the poem Everyone will write poetry by Branko Miljković.

Anica Tomić asks: in what different ways do we approach to watching a given painting? How much our knowledge or the knowledge written into a painting does determine her meaning? If at all, how can a painting become a narrative of a performance? What are the methodological ways of translating the meaning from the painting to a concrete space? How and why different spaces change the translation and is the creative answer possible to what we translate to space? What are the mechanisms we use in the process which helps us to articulate an idea as a performance?

Saša Božić mentors the second part of the workshop within which the participants use works by Oliver Frljić and Miran Kurspahić as a scenic pretext to a new performance. Through the dialogue with the new work, the participants will deal with the term of the procedure, from a dramaturge-director point of view, and the term performing statement from the performer’s point of view. Articulating their own position, its development, sourcing and subversion will give an answer to the research of performative actions as a foundation of author’s creation.

Miran Kurspahić’s mentorship revolves around the attempt to help the students with an advice and suggestion through the practical work on the project to compensate for oversights of formal education at ADU. Performance in public space and interactive theatre imposed as the adequate research form. The place of the performance is recently renamed Marshal Tito Square now known as Republic Square. The Square carries strong ideological component because of the recent act of renaming and because Croatian National Theatre, Academy of Dramatic Arts, Academy of Music and Law School are located there. The task is the theme of the revolution in its broad sense given to the participants, and a sub-task is a form of protest as kind of performing form. We live to see the day!