Alexander Roberts (UK/IS): Uloga kustosa u izvedbenim umjetnostima – Towards Accidents, Microbes and Invisible Star Light

23rd of September, 4pm to 7pm @ SEK

Over the course of three hours – curator Alexander Roberts will introduce a series of metaphors that each – in their own terms – lay the conceptual foundations for thinking through the role of the curator within the performing arts today. Speaking concretely from his own experiences of working across a variety of platforms and initiatives in Iceland, those in attendance will also be invited to contribute to the discussion and localise the metaphors and lines of thinking to their own experiences and contexts.

Financirano sredstvima europskog projekta apap – Performing Europe 2020, sufinancirano sredstvima programa Europske unije Kreativna Europa. U suradnji s Akademijom dramske umjetnosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.