non-stop  DAVOR SANVINCENTI: Navijamo za sunce @ Atrij &TD   21.9. ČETVRTAK 17-20h IVA PERUČIĆ & MAJA SUBOTIĆ: Atrij je vrt je pozornica je atrij @ Atrij &TD 20h INGA HULD HÁKONARDÓTTIR & RÓSA ÓMARSDÓTTIR: THE VALLEY @ Velika &TD 21:30h  IVAN PENOVIĆ: PRIJEĐANJE VUBLIKE 148 @ MM centar 22:30h ALEXANDER ROBERTS & ÁSRÚN MAGNÚSDÓTTIR: DANCEOKE @ Atrij &TD 22.9. PETAK 17-20h IVA PERUČIĆ & MAJA SUBOTIĆ: Atrij je vrt je pozornica je atrij @ Atrij &TD 19h ZAGREB GREEN FILM FEST @ MM centar 20h PABLO CASTILLA, NIKO HAFKENSCHEID I HEDVIG BIONG: SYDEN @ Polukružna &TD 21:30h (THE) LESSER MEN, koncertna promocija albuma @ Atrij &TD 23h ALEXANDER ROBERTS & ÁSRÚN MAGNÚSDÓTTIR: DANCEOKE @ Atrij &TD 23.9. SUBOTA 16-19h Alexander Roberts: Uloga kustosa u izvedbenim umjetnostima – Towards Accidents, Microbes and Invisible Star Light @ SEK 17:30-19h ÁSRÚN MAGNÚSDÓTTIR, Narodni ples bez granica @ Galerija SC 19h ZAGREB GREEN FILM FEST @ MM centar 20h PABLO CASTILLA, NIKO HAFKENSCHEID I HEDVIG BIONG: SYDEN @ Polukružna &TD 21:30h ANICA TOMIĆ & JELENA KOVAČIĆ: MAGIC EVENING @ Velika &TD 22:30h ALEXANDER ROBERTS & ÁSRÚN MAGNÚSDÓTTIR: DANCEOKE @ Atrij &TD 24.9. NEDJELJA 19h ZAGREB GREEN FILM FEST @ MM centar 20h ROBERTA MILEVOJ: FAMILIJA @ ZPC (Zagrebački plesni centar) 21:30h ŽAK VALENTA: TRAVELOGUE @ Velika &TD 22:30h Božić, Frljić, Kurspahić, Tomić & studenti ADU, radionica dijeljenja umjetničkih praksi – javna prezentacija @ SC zatvoreno za javnost...



IVA PERUČIĆ & MAJA SUBOTIĆ: Atrij je vrt je pozornica je...







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Day four of Ganz new festival...

Dear visitors, this is the program for the last day of Ganz new festival: 7pm ZAGREB GREEN FILM FEST @ MM centar 8pm ROBERTA MILEVOJ: FAMILIJA @ ZPC (Zagrebački plesni centar) 9.30pm ŽAK VALENTA: TRAVELOGUE @ Velika &TD 10.30pm Božić, Frljić, Kurspahić, Tomić & studenti ADU, radionica dijeljenja umjetničkih praksi – javna prezentacija @ SC sve po svuda Your Ganz free tickets are waiting for you at Theatre &TD Box Office from 11am till the start of the performance you wish to see. Follow our Facebook page and Facebook event, we will have updates there about the number of tickets left. Till Ganz in December, Your Ganz new...

Day three of Ganz new festival...

Dear visitors, this is the program for the third day of Ganz new festival: 4pm-7pm Alexander Roberts: Uloga kustosa u izvedbenim umjetnostima – Towards Accidents, Microbes and Invisible Star Light @ SEK 5.30pm-7pm ÁSRÚN MAGNÚSDÓTTIR, Narodni ples bez granica @ Galerija SC 7pm ZAGREB GREEN FILM FEST @ MM centar 8pm PABLO CASTILLA, NIKO HAFKENSCHEID I HEDVIG BIONG: SYDEN @ Polukružna &TD 9.30pm ANICA TOMIĆ & JELENA KOVAČIĆ: MAGIC EVENING @ Velika &TD 10.30pm ALEXANDER ROBERTS & ÁSRÚN MAGNÚSDÓTTIR: DANCEOKE @ Atrij &TD Your Ganz free tickets are waiting for you at Theatre &TD Box Office from 11am till the start of the performance you wish to see. Follow our Facebook page and Facebook event, we will have updates there about the number of tickets...

Day two of Ganz new festival...

Dear visitors, here is the program for the second day of Ganz new festival: 5-8pm IVA PERUČIĆ & MAJA SUBOTIĆ: Atrij je vrt je pozornica je atrij @ Atrij &TD 7pm ZAGREB GREEN FILM FEST @ MM centar 8pm PABLO CASTILLA, NIKO HAFKENSCHEID I HEDVIG BIONG: SYDEN @ Polukružna &TD 9:30pm (THE) LESSER MEN, koncertna promocija albuma @ Atrij &TD 11pm ALEXANDER ROBERTS & ÁSRÚN MAGNÚSDÓTTIR: DANCEOKE @ Atrij &TD Your Ganz free tickets are waiting for you at Theatre &TD Box Office from 11am till the start of the performance you wish to see. Follow our Facebook page and Facebook event, we will have updates there about the number of tickets left....

Kasni post-izvedbeni razgovori...

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Day one of Ganz new festival...

Dear everyone, this is Ganz new program for 21st of September: 5pm-8pm IVA PERUČIĆ & MAJA SUBOTIĆ: Atrij je vrt je pozornica je atrij @ Atrij &TD 8pm INGA HULD HÁKONARDÓTTIR & RÓSA ÓMARSDÓTTIR: THE VALLEY @ Velika &TD 9:30pm  IVAN PENOVIĆ: PRIJEĐANJE VUBLIKE 148 @ MM centar 10:30pm ALEXANDER ROBERTS & ÁSRÚN MAGNÚSDÓTTIR: DANCEOKE @ Atrij &TD Your Ganz free tickets are waiting for you at Theatre &TD Box Office from 11am till the start of the performance you wish to see. Follow our Facebook page and Facebook event, we will have updates there about the number of tickets...

Zbog kiše radionica počinje u četvrtak!...

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(The) Lesser Men poslušajte u petak na Ganzu!...

22. 9. u 21:30 @ Atrij &TD (The) Lesser Men bavi se složenostima svakodnevnoga životnoga iskustva, stvarima koje prolaze neprimijećene zbog nepopustljivoga mlina i sile repetitivnosti. Bend pokušava upotrijebiti, pa čak i eksploatirati, standardne pop konvencije, neznatno distorzirane, s okom kamere kao supočiniteljem. Projekt o kojem je riječ planiran je kao eksperiment konvencionalne performativne akcije. Drugim riječima, bend preuzima tradicionalnu, ne i konvencionalnu, koncertnu formu, rock smjelost i stav. Uznemirujuća i neprobavljiva mehanika Svakodnevnice hrana je (The) Lesser Mena. U muzičkom smislu, u kombinaciji s komponentom umjetničkoga videorada, (The) Lesser Men bave se političkim diskursom kroz retoriku eskapizma, zauzimajući tako beskrajne džepove neucrtanoga lingvističkoga prostora, koji se jednako brzo i otvaraju i zatvaraju. Muzička potraga postavljena je unutar sveosvajajuće, zapanjujuće gluposti popularne kulture u provincijalnim društvima kasnoga kapitalizma. To je, ustvari, razlog zašto (The) Lesser Men kao muzički kvartet ne nastanjuje duboko eksperimentalno, neucrtano audio i vizualno iskustvo nego je eksperimentalan dokle eksperimentalno ide. (The) Lesser Men četveročlani je bend iz Zagreba osnovan 2012. Čine ga Branko Skendžić (bubnjevi, udaraljke), Denis Brčić (bas gitara), Neven Svilar (gitara, vokal) i LesserManBasic (sintesajzer/klavijature, gitara, usna harmonika, vokal). Album Bedrooms snimaju 2016., a 2017. potpisuju za Geenger/Ammonite izdavačke kuće, za koje će izdati Bedrooms točno na dan koncertne promocije. + specijalni gost The Marshmallow...

How to get free Ganz tickets?...

You can pick up your free Ganz new tickets on the day of the performance of a particular program at Teatar &td Box Office, Savska cesta 25, from 11 a.m. till the start of the performance on a first come, first served basis! For Roberta Milevoj’s performance “Familija”, tickets can be picked up at Zagreb Dance Centre Box Office, Ilica 10, from 7pm till the start of the performance. You don’t need tickets for (The) Lesser Men concert and Danceoke — just show...

U četvrtak počinje 7. Ganz! Svi ste pozvani!...

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Alexander Roberts (UK/IS) & Ásrún Magnúsdóttir (IS): Danceoke...

21st and 23rd of September at 10.30pm, 22nd of September at 11pm @ &TD Atrium Danceoke exists in different forms all over the world. From Stockholm to Tokyo to New York, where ever you go people can be found dancing in big groups in front of big screens to known dances captured on video. Back in their hometown Reykjavík, their danceoke club nights have become a big thing, attracting large crowds every month. Festival participants can get involved by simply turning up and starting to dance, they can make requests during the evening or in advance, request a solo or a duet… In Zagreb, artists and DJs Ásrún Magnúsdóttir and Alexander Roberts will DJ a danceoke set for three nights. The sets will be eclectic and draw inspiration from the queerest, poppiest dancing classics, to monumental moments of dance and performance art history, to locally inspired, obscure dancing gems. Expect a mash-up of Beyoncé, Yelle, Marina Abramović, Mary Poppins, and so on… This is everybody’s danceoke. BIOGRAPHY Alexander Roberts is a curator, creative producer and artist, based in Reykjavik, Iceland. Currently the Programme Director of the MFA in Performing Arts at the Iceland Academy of the Arts, he is also Co-Director of RDF and co-founder of A! International Performance Festival in Akureyri. Alongside his curatorial work – Alexander is a partner in a number of artistic collaborations – working closely on numerous activities with choreographer Àsrùn Magnúsdóttir, choreographer Katrín Gunnarsdóttir and performance making duo Dance for Me. Ásrún Magnúsdóttir is a choreographer, artist, performer and a DJ. She wants to stretch the dominant modes of dance and choreography. She created many works which have been well received (nominated for awards and awarded). She has made different works for both stage and site-specific. She’s often...

(The) Lesser Men(HR)...

22nd of September at 9.30pm @ &TD Atrium (The) Lesser Men deal with the intricacies of the basic everyday experience, things that go unnoticed just because of the unrelenting force and grind of the repetitive. The band tries to put to use, even exploit, standard pop concert conventions, just slightly distorted, the culprit being the eye of the camera. The project in question is planned as an experiment in conventional performative action. In other words, the band take on traditional, that’s not to say conventional concert form, certainly not the rock bravado and posturing. The disturbing and sickening mechanics of The Everyday is bread and butter of (The) Lesser Men. In musical terms, combined with the video art element of the set, (The) Lesser Men deal with the political discourse through the rhetorics of escapism, invading the infinite pockets of uncharted linguistic space that tend to shut down just as swift as they open. The musical search is set up within the all-conquering  mindboggling dumbness of popular culture in the provincial late-capitalist society. That in itself is the reason why (The) Lesser Men as a musical quartet doesn’t dwell in the deeply experimental, uncharted audio and visual experience, yet it is experimental as experimental goes. BIOGRAPHY (The) Lesser Men is a four-piece band from Zagreb formed in 2012. Members are Branko Skendžić (drums, percussion), Denis Brčić (bass guitar), Neven Svilar (guitars, vocal) and LesserManBasic (synthesizers/keyboards, guitars, harmonica, vocals). They will release the Bedrooms (Geenger/Ammonite Records) on the day of the concert promotion of the album. + special gues The Marshmallow...


Zagreb Green Film Fest is a pilot project by RIO – Zagreb association happening from 22nd to 24th of September 2017 within Ganz novi festival at Student centre Zagreb. The premier edition of the festival will feature 45 amateur short films, which aim to bring closer current ecological problems and raise citizens’ awareness of nature conservation and the environment we live in through individual director approaches. The ecological problems of today are shown in animated and short documentary films, which you can see at MM centre, Student centre Zagreb. The opening of the festival is set for 22nd of September at 7pm. Festival jury and audience will take part in the selection of the best films in the categories of animated and documentary film. For more information, follow us on our Website and Facebook page Zagreb Green Fest. Projekcije počinju u 19h.  ...

Davor Sanvincenti: Navijamo za sunce...

Navijamo za Sunce multimedijalni je solarni sat, neovisna platforma za promociju suvremene glazbe i zvukovne umjetnosti te participativna permanentna instalacija. Na poziv Kulture promjene instalaciju je osmislio i koncipirao multimedijalni umjetnik Davor Sanvincenti s moćnom gomilicom suradnika – sanjara, programera, fizičara, arhitekata, glazbenika (Miodrag Gladović, Bojan Gagić, Nenad Kovačić, Tena Novak, Iva Peručić, Alen Sinkauz, Nenad Sinkauz, Natko Stipaničev, Boris Vidošević, Antonio Licitar, Silvija Stipanov, Davorka Begović …). Pogonjen energijom samoga Sunca, pomoću solarnog panela napaja se platforma 4-kanalnih zvučnih kompozicija u trajanju od 490 do 507 sekundi, odnosno onoliko koliko treba Sunčevoj svjetlosti da stigne do našeg oka na Zemlji. Svaka kompozicija reproducira se 8 minuta prije svakog punog “zemaljskog” sata te tako na suptilan način naglašava i osvješćuje Zemljino gibanje oko Sunca, njezinu brzinu koja nam određuje i bilježi tempo doživljajnih sfera. Slušamo vrijeme. Drugi dio instalacije sastoji se od izgradnje metalnog kotača, postavljenog na vanjskom zidu atrija &TD-a, gdje će svaki prolaznik, u bilo koje doba, moći zaokrenuti kotač i naviti bateriju. Od tuda i naziv sata Navijamo za Sunce. Navijanje je započelo 28. travnja 2017. i ostaje u prostorima Teatra &TD. Radionica Solarnog sata Navijamo za Sunce realizira se u sklopu projekta Edukultura SC Kulture promjene SC-a uz potporu Ministarstva kulture RH i Grada. BIOGRAFIJA Davor Sanvincenti (1979.), međunarodni je multimedijalni umjetnik iz Hrvatske, usmjeren na polje audiovizualne fenomenologije i antropologije vizualne kulture, s fokusom na uvjete i oblike ljudskih osjetila i percepcija. Njegova se umjetnička praksa realizira u različitim medijima: film i video, fotografija, fizičko svjetlo i zvukovne instalacije te audiovizualni performansi. Njegov rad istražuje koncept iluzije, moguće granice percepcije i konstruiranja iskustva. Primio je nagradu Radoslav Putar 2010. za najboljeg hrvatskog umjetnika do 35 godina života. Njegovi radovi izlagani su u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu. Umjetnošću se bavim 17...